Long-Distance Love: Making It Work. Will it?

Hey there, all you wonderful long-distance lovebirds! Making a long-distance relationship work can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. I've been there, and done that, and I'm here to help keep the love alive across the miles.

**Embrace the Video Calls:**

Thank the tech gods for video calls! Whether it's Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime, seeing your loved one's smile can be a real mood booster. Set up virtual dinner dates, watch a movie together, or just have a chat about your day. These calls are like love lifelines.

**Plan Visits in Advance:**

Counting down the days until your next in-person meet-up is like having an ongoing mini-holiday in your heart. Knowing when you'll see each other again can make the distance feel shorter.

**Share Virtual Adventures:**

Explore the world together, even if you're miles apart. Pick a TV series to binge-watch simultaneously or read the same book and have your private book club. These shared experiences help keep your connection strong.

**Sprinkle Surprise Messages:**

A little surprise goes a long way. Send unexpected texts, voice notes, or handwritten letters. Surprise deliveries, like pizza or care packages, can turn a regular day into something special.

**Trust is the Holy Grail:**

Trust is your relationship's North Star. Keep the faith, trust in each other, and remember that trust is the cornerstone of any love bridge.

**Keep the Jealousy Monster at Bay:**

Jealousy is like a tiny monster that can grow big fast. Remember, it's okay to have lives outside of your relationship. Let each other have a life, trust each other, and you'll keep that monster at bay.

**Find Your 'Thing':**

Having an activity or hobby you both enjoy can make your relationship blossom. It's like a secret handshake only the two of you understand.

**Schedule "Us" Time:**

Make sure to set aside time for each other. It could be a daily morning coffee chat, a weekly movie night, or just some "good night" texts. The key is to create rituals that strengthen your bond.

**The Magic of Photos:**

Sharing snapshots of your day – a beautiful sunset, your morning coffee, or a funny sign you saw – can make your partner feel like they're right there with you.

**Don't Let the Small Stuff Grow:**

Little misunderstandings can turn into big problems over time. Instead of sweeping things under the rug, address issues as they arise. Communication is your secret weapon.

**Laugh, Laugh, Laugh:**

Funny memes, silly jokes, and just sharing a laugh can bring joy into your relationship. It's the glue that keeps your hearts smiling.

**Talk About the Future:**

Keep your relationship moving forward by discussing your future plans. Knowing where your love story is headed can give you both something to look forward to.

Remember, long-distance love isn't always easy, but with the right mix of trust, communication, and a sprinkle of surprise, it can be a rewarding adventure. So keep those virtual fires burning, and you'll make it work beautifully!


your matchmaker,

Danielle Bovet